Leveraging composer without the Cap part

I am not new to Roots, but new to leveraging Bedrock.

I have clients that use shared hosting. I did see this thread about using Cap with a shared environment: Bedrock on Dreamhost Shared hosting

good stuff. Thanks.

I went through and setup a local install with composer and bedrock. I like the folder structure it introduces and it is working great with 7.0 on my localhost.

As I said, I do projects that revolve around shard hosting, and I am wondering if anybody uses just the composer/bedrock initial setup with their projects without the deployment with Cap? I guess I would just manually FTP the install. Does this defeat the purpose of using Bedrock?

I did notice the “Don’t want it” sections in the docs and I am wondering if you go ahead and following dissecting Bedrock if not using cap? I also noticed that there is a dissallow plugin for environments. Should this be deleted?

I’ve used Bedrock on many projects without using Capistrano to deploy. Most recently, I used Laravel Forge for deploying a Bedrock based site.

Composer + the project structure of Bedrock is what’s most important :+1:

(…but please don’t use FTP to deploy)

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Thanks for the response. In regards to the documentation for Cap in bedrock and the “Don’t want this” for Cap deploy do you tweak the config and env files or just leave as is. I’m just wondering if I should bother taking out the capistrano deployment focused files.

I.e. per the docs…

Don’t want it?

You will lose the ability to define environment specific settings.

Move all configuration into wp-config.php
Manually deal with environment specific options
Remove config directory

You’re looking at the wrong “Don’t want it?” section. See: GitHub - roots/bedrock: WordPress boilerplate with Composer, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure

  • Remove Capfile, Gemfile, and Gemfile.lock
  • Remove config/deploy.rb
  • Remove config/deploy/ directory

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.