Livereload workflow instead of browsersync

Hi All,

I use a *-custom.css file as a templating file, and then convert to scss partials.

Reason being is that browsersync takes 2s to compile, and livereload is instant.

I’m pulling in 9.0.0-beta.4.

I understand everyone has their workflow. This is mine, and it’s super fast for me, because I can just wireframe live.

The issue i’m having looks like, I can’t use yarn start, because it uses browsersync and wants to inject to a browser that I’m livereloading without :3000… just I use mamp to load and it’s fast as hell. :3000 is dragging me down. Livereaload is instant, browsersync takes 2s to compile and load.

Can anyone suggest a workflow solution that involves using a custom css (which is not currently getting pulled in by browsersync, because browsersync is injecting into memory?)

I would super appreciate any support related to this workflow/

Thank you,


You would probably have to replace the Browsersync webpack stuff with webpack-dev-server or use something like this: