manifest.json not generating

I have followed all steps to setup sage 10 on windows using WSL

Everything has gone successfully i have ran yarn build and it won’t generate the manifest.json file so im left with this error when viewing the theme.

Fatal error: Uncaught Roots\Acorn\Assets\Exceptions\ManifestNotFoundException

Can you share the output of yarn build? It should look like this:

yarn build
yarn run v1.22.19
$ bud build

╭ sage [892d307770285fd0]                                             ./public
│ app
│  ◉ js/runtime.c039ed.js                                            ✔ 1.31 kB
│  ◉ css/app.bbe229.css                                              ✔ 5.83 kB
│  ◉ js/app.7e24dd.js                                              ✔ 386 bytes
│ editor
│  ◉ js/runtime.c039ed.js                                            ✔ 1.31 kB
│  ◉ css/editor.ef46db.css                                                 ✔ ø
│  ◉ js/editor.0344c8.js                                             ✔ 1.78 kB
╰ 943ms 28 modules [23/28 modules cached]

✨  Done in 2.38s.

Also, what are the contents of your public directory? It should look like this:

public directory
├── css
│   ├── app.bbe229.css
│   └── editor.ef46db.css
├── entrypoints.json
├── js
│   ├── app.7e24dd.js
│   ├── editor.0344c8.js
│   └── runtime.c039ed.js
└── manifest.json

2 directories, 7 files

It would also be helpful if you could share the output of running this command:

yarn bud build --log --no-dashboard