Maria DB Fails on Apt signing key

On a new Digital Ocean droplet with Ubuntu 24.04, all apt packages updated, latest version of Trellis, ansible [core 2.14.3] … I’m getting the following error. Anyone have insight?

TASK [mariadb : Add an Apt signing key, uses whichever key is at the URL] ******
fatal: [production_host]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to download key at An unknown error occurred: HTTPSConnection.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cert_file'"}

This appears to be an error with ansible, it should be fixed with a newer ansible version:

Thanks @strarsis. My issue now seems to be more about confusion between pip, homebrew, and ansible, since I only update ansible about once a year. I’m on mac and ran brew install ansible (which seems to be the command for both install and update/upgrade?).

I somehow missed and neglected to run brew link --overwrite ansible to actually utilize the latest version. With ansible 2.18 installed AND linked, I was able to complete the mariadb task.