Modern Plugin Development Workflow with wppb-mod

I know this doesn’t fit in exactly, but it’s a project I’ve been working on a bit lately that fits (somewhat) with the whole Roots ethos and thought you guys would find it interesting. It’s a fork of the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate refactored a bit and built on modern development workflows, including a gulp build process, bower for javascript dependencies, and composer for autoloading and 3rd-party packages.

I call it wppb-mod.

Would love feedback, but mostly I thought it might be useful as Sage considers adopting composer for theme composition.

The only thing I don’t conform to here is the same coding standards, as I’m using the WordPress Coding Standards currently.

Let me know what you think! I’ve built a couple plugins based on this boilerplate, including WP-Gistpen if you want to see what it looks like in practice.

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