Multilang Site with Domain per Language

I have a bedrock setup wit Polylang Pro installed and 2 languages configured (de, fr). All works fine when the urls are prefixed with a language folder but I need to have them on separate domains instead. I can setup this in the Polylang settings and all the links and language switches seem to work but as soon as I open the french domain (which is not the default domain) a 301 redirect to de main domain with /fr folder is performed. I suspect this is done from bedrock as this is the main domain from the .env config. How can I configure bedrock to allow multiple domains on the same site?

What have you tried? Looks like the solution shown here might be a common one dynamically setting WP_HOME with $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] :grimacing:: Multiple domains for languages |

GPT gives it as a solution as well:

I had all of that but it didn’t work. Still the redirect. Then I realised there was a manual redirect in the .htaccess which was of course handled before any php code.
Thank you for the help anyway!

Glad you figured it out.