MyRay App - Debug Tool


Has anyone managed to get the RAY debugging tool working with their roots project?

I’ve included the composer package, try to add a basic line to a running function like so:

Ray::send('Debugging MyRay with this message!');
ray('a string');
*tried both. VSCode also shows the red lines with “Undefined function ‘ray’.” too.

I get nothing in the App. Tried adding use Ray; at the top too.

There is a ‘Add Server’ option, wondering if maybe I must also connect to the local Lima server, how would I know the connection details if so?

Yup, we use Ray a fair bit, I think I opted for the global composer package so it “just works” across all projects. Difference being I’ve only used it with Valet & Herd (both work well), not tried with Lima.

Also, maybe try the WP plugin mentioned in the WP install docs

Sorta unrelated, but maybe worth checking if these settings for Lima work for you?