Open_basedir restriction in effect

Hi, I’ve been using Roots/Sage for a while now but today when I tried to deploy to an FTP server I got this error.
# is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/home/agata:/home/agata:/tmp)

I use WP Local from Flywheel and it works perfect but when I try to upload it to production I get this, I have done a fresh install and the result is the same. I have tried another hosting provider and I get the same problem, what am I doing wrong?

I have also tried with
composer --install --no-dev
but the result is the same

Maybe it’s an acorn error?

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Have you tried to run yarn build instead of yarn dev before uploading to server?

Maybe late, but watch out if there is a getenv_docker or similar function in wp-config.php.

I saw multiple installations with this issue and the problem was a custom function used to load env variables.

Yes, in the end that was it!

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