Page-header.php header instead of div


should page-header.php have header

<header class="page-header">
    <?php echo roots_title(); ?>

instead of div

<div class="page-header">
    <?php echo roots_title(); ?>


Yup. This is the HTML5 way.

I’m not certain that header is appropriate here. The main element is not a sectioning element, meaning the page would have two headers and that doesn’t seem right semantically.

You should be fine if you wrap the header inside an article, which is a sectioning element and therefore able to have its own separate header and footer.


<main role="main">
    <header class="page-header">
      <h1>Page Title</h1>

Even then, I probably wouldn’t use header if all it contains is a h1.

Yes and not, and it is up to you what do you prefer.

If you just haveh1then you don’t need headerbut if you add any other thing to the header as an span, nav,footerthen you need the header. Having the headerand the h1is not bad so you might leave it as default.

Anyhow, as an starter theme just leave it as you want but if the file is called page-header.php it is supposed that everyhing inside is header. A minor thing anyhow.