Plug-in error with writing to the header with Magic Zoom Plus

I am in the process of rebuilding my site with Trellis, Bedrock and Sage. But I can’t seem to install a plugin, Magic Zoom Plus ( without getting SQL errors. I get the following:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /srv/www/ in /srv/www/ on line 1216

I originally had Stage installed on the site without Trellis and Bedrock and I had no such errors. Any suggestions on how to edit the code would be welcomed.

Thanks, Tom

That error typically occurs because of another error. Was there another error?

To diagnose, you can also try adding define ('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); to your config/application.php. It should hide the errors.

However, we’ll need to see the rest of the errors to diagnose the underlying problem.

Thanks Daniel for your reply,

Here is the complete error I’m seeing:
Hiding the error worked but not a solution. I also noticed that the support images in the admin interface are broken since they are coded to go to the wordpress install plugin location and not the Bedrock plugin location.

I plan to contact the plugin makers as well.

This is a problem with the plugin, so you are right to contact them.

The issue is with the use of create_function. The error message for this is causing the other two error messages. You can replace the create_function method with an inline function but editing plugin code is difficult to keep up to date.

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Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated...

This means that your server is running a new version of PHP that your plugin is not written to support.

Is this server provisioned with Trellis?

You could check to see if the plugin has been updated to modern coding standards, or submit a bug (or patch) to the developer, but otherwise your best option is to find a different plugin.

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Thanks. Yes the server is provisioned with Trellis. I will contact the plugin developer.