Problem logout

Hello everyone,

I give you my best wishes from France!

I have a problem with WordPress login: I connect successfully but my session disconnects automatically after 5 minutes nearly. I have to login again and again. I don’t know why I have this problem.

I have activated https on my single website.

If you have ideas, you’re welcome :slight_smile:


EDIT: here are the cookies from my website (we can see 3 auth cookies, when I connect again, an other cookie is added) :

I’ve never experienced that with Trellis. I’m having a hard time thinking what could cause it as well. WordPress just uses cookies for sessions (as you showed) and Trellis itself can’t really do anything to affect those.

Do you have any plugins installed which could be expiring them?

Thanks for help.

Hum… I don’t think :confused:

vagrant@xxx:/srv/www/$ wp plugin list
| name                     | status   | update    | version |
| akismet                  | active   | none      | 3.2     |
| application-passwords    | active   | none      | 0.1-dev |
| contact-form-7           | active   | none      | 4.6     |
| disable-emojis           | active   | none      | 1.5.3   |
| ewww-image-optimizer     | active   | available | 3.2.1   |
| organize-series          | active   | none      | 2.5.2   |
| query-monitor            | active   | none      | 2.13.2  |
| relevanssi               | active   | none      | |
| wordpress-simple-history | active   | available | 2.12    |
| simple-image-sizes       | active   | none      | 3.1.1   |
| table-of-contents-plus   | active   | none      | 1601    |
| timber-library           | active   | available | 0.22.6  |
| wordpress-popular-posts  | active   | none      | 3.3.4   |
| wp-dbmanager             | active   | available | 2.78    |
| wp-useronline            | active   | none      | 2.87.1  |
| wordpress-seo            | active   | available | 3.9     |
| bedrock-autoloader       | must-use | none      | 1.0.0   |
| disallow-indexing        | must-use | none      | 1.0.0   |
| register-theme-directory | must-use | none      | 1.0.0   |

I ask for help to WordPress support but problem still here :expressionless:

Do you think is possible custom server custom error?

Anybody ? Session expired max 3 minutes after logging, very difficult to write a post :frowning: