Problem with WP Stage Switcher URLs and Bedrock

Does anyone know how to handle removing the /wp/ in the URLs when trying to switch to a different environment from Dev using Bedrock?

Here’s what I have in functions.php. The is_wpe() stuff is WP Engine specific since pushing to and from staging on WP Engine overwrites wp-config.php both directions.

// WP Stage Switcher (WP Engine)

if( !function_exists('is_wpe') && !function_exists('is_wpe_snapshot') ) {
	function is_wpe() {
		return false;
	function is_wpe_snapshot() {
		return false;

$envs = [
  'production' 	=> '',
  'staging'     => '',
  'development' => ''

if( is_plugin_active('wp-stage-switcher/wp-stage-switcher.php') && (is_wpe() || is_wpe_snapshot()) ) {
	if( is_wpe() ) {
		$env_label = '<span style="color:#46b450;">Live</span>';
	} elseif( is_wpe_snapshot() ) {
		$env_label = '<span style="color:orange;">Staging</span>';
	} else {
		$env_label = '<span style="color:#469ecd;">Development</span>';
	define( 'WP_ENV', $env_label );

define( 'ENVIRONMENTS', serialize($envs) );

Have you tried removing the span tags from the $env_label switches? I don’t think those are going to be valid.

Are you running Bedrock on staging/production?

Thanks for your reply! I’m running Bedrock on dev only. I removed the <span>s (was just using them to color code the environments) and the /wp/ still remains on the links to staging and production. Here’s what my code looks like meow:

if(!function_exists('is_wpe') && !function_exists('is_wpe_snapshot')) {
	function is_wpe() {
		return false;
	function is_wpe_snapshot() {
		return false;

if(is_plugin_active('wp-stage-switcher/wp-stage-switcher.php')) {
	$envs = [
	  'production' 	=> '',
	  'staging'     => '',
	  'development' => ''
	if(is_wpe()) {
		$env_label = 'production';
	} elseif(is_wpe_snapshot()) {
		$env_label = 'staging';
	} else {
		$env_label = 'development';
	define('ENVIRONMENTS', serialize($envs));
	define('WP_ENV', $env_label);