Problems updating trellis

A site running an old version of Trellis failed to renew it’s SSL certificate last night, taking the whole site down. So I had to do a manual upgrade of Trellis, which is a bit of a nightmare with WSL.

I’m back up and running now but there’s a couple of problems that I haven’t managed to fix yet:

  • When reprovisioning the remote server I get:
    unable to connect to database: "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

  • When deploying the server my custom Gravity Forms CLI hooks (deploy-after.yml) fail:
    template error while templating string: no filter named 'success'

This is my Gravity Forms code in deploy-after.yml:

- name: Activate Gravityformscli
  command: wp plugin install gravityformscli --activate
    chdir: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}"
  register: gravityformscli_installed

- name: Install Gravity Forms with WP CLI
  command: wp gf install --key={{ vault_gravity_licence_key }} --activate
      chdir: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}"
  when: gravityformscli_installed | success
  register: gravityforms_installed

- name: Verify Gravity Forms checksums
  command: wp gf tool verify-checksums
      chdir: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}"
  when: gravityforms_installed | success

Any ideas?

Never mind. It was just the wrong version of Ansible.

I downgraded to the version specified in vagrant.default.yml via WSL:
sudo pip install ansible==2.7.12

If anybody needs quite a long upgrade guide for updating Trellis on WSL then just ask. It might not be relevant for all versions of Trellis though…

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