Problems upgrading Bud from 5.4.0 to 5.7.0

I’m trying to upgrade Bud in a Sage 10 theme, but I’m getting some problems that I don’t understand. I’ve read the upgrade guides, so I believe that things are ok in my bud config:

const path = require('path')
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../.env') })

const SVGSpritemapPlugin = require('svg-spritemap-webpack-plugin')

 * @typedef {import('@roots/bud').Bud} bud
 * @param {bud} config

module.exports = async (app) => {
     * Application entrypoints
     * Paths are relative to your resources directory
      app: ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app']

     * These files should be processed as part of the build
     * even if they are not explicitly imported in application assets.

     * These files will trigger a full page reload
     * when modified.
    .watch(['resources/views/**/*.blade.php', 'app/View/**/*.php'])

     * Define the public path for dynamically imported assets.
     * I am defining it an .env file and accessing it with `bud.env`.
      ASSET_PATH: JSON.stringify(process.env.ASSET_PATH)


     * Target URL to be proxied by the dev server.
     * This is your local dev server.

      new SVGSpritemapPlugin('resources/sprite/*.svg', {
        output: {
          filename: 'spritesheet.svg',
          chunk: { keep: true },
          svgo: false

     * Development URL

What I get in the terminal is these errors:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@scripts/app' in '/Users/eripanci/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@styles/app' in '/Users/eripanci/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme'

I see that on the webpack.config.js in the resolve is this:

"alias": {
      "@src": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/src",
      "@dist": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/dist",
      "@fonts": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/src/fonts",
      "@images": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/src/images",
      "@scripts": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/src/scripts",
      "@styles": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/src/styles"

I don’t understand why it’s like this when it should be like this for example:

"@src": "/Users/erip2/Documents/sage-site/dev/public/app/themes/sage-theme/resources"

Can you tell by this if there’s anything wrong on my side?

P.S. Some of my config are from the discussion here: Bud - Upgrading to 5.2.0 causing problems

Maybe try 5.7.2?

You should be able to compare the current Bud config in Sage to your old one. Apply whatever necessary changes in order to get things running again.

I tried 5.7.3 but still the same.

I believe I’ve made changes according to the guides and also tried to inspect the problem with the knowledge that I have, but couldn’t come up with what is causing it.

After upgrading, I run yarn bud clean the terminal returns:

bud paths are required to be prefixed with `@`. Please convert `src` to `@src`

I don’t understand this since I don’t have any “src” on the bud config file.

Also, it creates a dist folder, it didn’t create this on 5.4.0.

Your config file is fine.

You don’t have to use dotenv at all anymore: bud.env.get('WP_HOME') works out-of-the-box.

I’m almost positive you have mismatched versions. Save this as checkup.js and run it (with node checkup.js):

const { globby } = require("@roots/bud-support");
const bud = require("./node_modules/@roots/bud/package.json");

globby.globby("./node_modules/@roots/*/package.json").then((files) => {
  files.forEach((file) => {
    const { name, version } = require(file);

    if (version !== bud.version) {
        `ERR: ${name}@${version} is not compatible with ${}@${bud.version}`
    } else {
        `OK: ${name}@${version} is compatible with ${}@${bud.version}`

What does it say?

OK: @roots/bud@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-api@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-babel@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-build@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-compiler@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-dashboard@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-cache@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-entrypoints@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-eslint@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-extensions@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-framework@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-hooks@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-postcss@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-preset-recommend@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-preset-wordpress@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-prettier@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-react@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-sass@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-server@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-stylelint@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-support@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/bud-tailwindcss@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-wordpress-dependencies@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-wordpress-externals@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/bud-wordpress-manifests@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/container@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
OK: @roots/dependencies@5.7.3 is compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/entrypoints-webpack-plugin@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/merged-manifest-webpack-plugin@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/sage@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/wordpress-dependencies-webpack-plugin@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3
ERR: @roots/wordpress-externals-webpack-plugin@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3

ERR: @roots/sage@5.5.0 is not compatible with @roots/bud@5.7.3

Looks like you need to update @roots/sage. Always ensure the @roots/* packages have the same version number.