Questions setting up Trellis, Bedrock & Radicle

Hi there,

wanting to get started with Radicle I ran into a few things I couldn’t find answers in the docs to and was hoping that someone could shed some light here…

The first and ultimate road block for me is the following:

Nested trellis-folder

My usual approach to establishing a project would be to set up a new Trellis instance (via CLItrellis new, adjusting everything here (Ansible roles, hosts, group_vars, etc.) and then install Sage in the /site/web/app/themes-folder.

With Radicle and running php .radicle-setup/trellis.php I get a nested ./trellis-folder which would obviously be redundant – I assume that Radicle should be the root / starting point and then we set up Trellis afterwards and solely in the theme-context, correct?

If so then I am missing Bedrock and the whole config-folder that contains the ENV-specific configurations…? Where does that come into play?

Sorry if this is clear to everyone else but I am struggling… :sweat_smile:


Radicle does not use trellis new at this time and instead relies on the setup script included in the repo — reference or the README instructions for the steps to follow

The trellis/ folder in the root directory is the correct location for Trellis in Radicle

Bedrock is not missing, Radicle itself is a Bedrock install. See the bedrock/ directory for Bedrock’s config.

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Hi @ben,

thanks for getting back and claryfing…

I must have moved / deleted the directory when initially thinking that trellis/ and bedrock/ contain overwrites that need to be manually applied for compatibility with Radicle.

Obviously I have to wrap my head around Trellis and Bedrock not being “parents” any more – Sage has grown up! :grin: