So I’ve been struggling with this for a few days. Hoping its a dependency issue. I ripped out tailwindcss and added bootstrap with sass. and I can get the assets to build if I remove the “url(” from the import line. So it works like this:
$ /vagrant-nfs-example.test/public/content/themes/radicle> yarn bud build production --no-dashboard
$ /vagrant-nfs-example.test/node_modules/.bin/bud> build production --no-dashboard
/vagrant-nfs-example.test/resources/styles/app.scss: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS
/vagrant-nfs-example.test/resources/styles/editor.scss: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS
8 assets
136 modules
radicle (webpack 5.88.2) compiled successfully in 32689 ms
Thanks for the reply. But I am using the Radicle theme (Not Sage) and Bootstrap (Not Tailwind) with SCSS. I am looking through your setup though to see if there are any clues for me though.
Thank you, I ended up figuring out that I needed to run trellis init --force and the broken dependencies were flushed everything was installed new and the issue went away.