Redis Full Page Caching - Invite to Test MilliCache

Introducing MilliCache, a highly flexible WordPress full-page caching solution based on Redis for exceptional speed, easy scalability, and efficient, targeted cache invalidation. Seeking feedback from fellow developers!

@vdrnn and I have been working on a new WordPress plugin called MilliCache. We aim to make it the most flexible full-page caching solution for WordPress. So what makes it different from others?

  • Lightning Fast : In-memory full-page caching using Redis.
  • Efficient Cache Invalidation : Allows for highly targeted cache clearing, greatly increasing efficiency and flexibility.
  • Cache Flagging : Supports complex cache logic and selective clearing.
  • Expired Cache Handling : Regenerates cache in the background without affecting user experience.
  • Multisite Optimized : Ideal for WordPress Multisite and Multi-Network environments.
  • Scalable : Works with Redis clusters.
  • Compatible : Works with Redis Server, KeyDB, Dragonfly, and coexists with Redis Object Cache plugins like WP Redis and Redis Object Cache.

We have worked on some large-scale projects in the past that were either running horizontally scaled behind load balancers and needed to share the same cache, or were Multisite setups that required a more flexible cache invalidation system based on the usage of specific content. Furthermore, we needed the caching solution to function as a second-layer cache behind edge caches at the CDN. I tried most existing solutions but always encountered limitations that made them inadequate for our needs.

The plugin is currently under active development, and I would greatly appreciate it if some of you could test it out and share your thoughts. Since I am not yet comfortable publishing it publicly, please send me a PM with your GitHub username, and I will add you to the repo .

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback!



I’ll be sure to DM and try it out too. Will this work with WooCommerce?

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Hi @JordanC26,

Thank you for your support! Yes, please let me know what your GH username is, so I can add you. :slight_smile:

While it is not yet fully tested with WooCommerce, it is definetly a top priority and will be supported very soon. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Edit: MilliCache already supports & respects the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant. It is set by WC for pages that should not be cached.

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@evance , @Twansparant & @slowrush thank you for your :black_heart:!
I will be happy to add you to the repo if you want to test it.
However, I will need your GH usernames.

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Nice one @philipp! I would love to join the repo, but we don’t currently have Redis in our production stack, so don’t think I’ll be much help with feedback just yet - Redis caching is on our roadmap though, so hopefully we’ll be able to contribute in the near future :pray:

GH user: mike-sheppard

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Interesting project! So this is between WordPress object caching and nginx microcaching, as smart page fragment caching?

@strarsis fragment caching is definitely a feature we want to work on.
However, in its current state it is full page caching that uses the flexibility and power that Redis can offer, and yes, it makes caching in WordPress much more smart.

Especially the flagging of cache entries is a huge benefit.
Take Synced Patterns as an example. Imagine you are editing a pattern that is used on multiple pages. You would probably manually flush the entire cache to make sure the pattern is updated everywhere. However, MilliCache will flag entries that use the pattern (TBA) and automatically update only the cache entries that have changed.

Compared to NGINX microcaching, the similarity is that MilliCache can benefit from short TTL. It will be the perfect choice if you want to use edge caching at a CDN. In this case, MilliCache is the second level cache that handles the first & second level cache entries.

Does this sound interesting? We are really looking for any feedback as it helps a lot to define the next development steps.


Hi Philipp,
would love to get access to this, have just been researching Redis full page caching and this looks like a perfect solution for my needs. My gh profile is manimul.

Many thanks!

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@philipp Hi phillip, sure thing!
Although we’re slowly moving away from wordpress, I’m still interested!
My github username: Twansparant

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