Register block methods & how to enqueue block assets?

Hi there,

I’m struggling a bit what in 2024 the best method is to register a custom Gutenberg block. You’ve got quite a few options these days;



ACF Composer
wp acorn acf:block Example


I’ve been reading the Block Editor Development with HMR Support article and am wondering how other people handle individual block styling when they move their blocks to a Clover plugin?

What if these blocks are part of the overall theme design and you want to use the same style config (tailwind config / bootstrap variables) in these blocks?

I like the Bud method of registering blocks, filters etc. so I would like to use this approach in my new project. The only thing I’m still struggling with is how to enqueue indivdual block assets? Let’s say I have a carousel block using Swiper and I want to enqueue a separate js & css file only when this block is being used on a page:

/* Block name */
export const name = `sage/swiper`

/* Block title */
export const title = `Swiper block`

/* Block category */
export const category = `widgets`

/* Block edit */
export const edit = () => <></>

/* Block save */
export const save = () => <></>

I used to do this like this for JS blocks:

function register_blocks() {


		'sage/swiper', [
			'api_version'     => 2,
			'editor_script'   => 'sage/swiper-editor',
			'editor_style'    => 'sage/swiper',
			'render_callback' => function($block_attributes, $content) {
				return $content;
add_action('init', 'register_blocks);

or for ACF blocks:

namespace App\Blocks;

use Log1x\AcfComposer\Block;
use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;
use function Roots\bundle;

class Swiper extends Block
	public function enqueue() {

But that meant adding every individual block assets to the bud config entries.
Is there a way to enqueue these assets automatically with Sage, Poet or Bud without having to list them separately in the config?

Or what is the best way to do this?
Are you just adding these assets to your main app.css and app.js? I thought it was best practice to enqueue these only when a block is added?

Any tips are welcome, thanks!

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Hey @Twansparant, I think dynamic imports solves asset loading for all of these scenarios.

Personally I’m still outputting multiple files and importing them in ACF Blocks. We had a few issues with dynamic imports + dev server, but that was a looong time ago so I’m pretty sure that’s all resolved now.

There are a few posts with ref to dynamic imports in discourse + discord if need examples. But this Slider example in the Bud docs is pretty solid.

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As for registering custom Gutenberg blocks, all those methods are great, but vary slightly in implementation/needs.

I guess it comes down to:

  • If you want the full Gutenberg experience, JS/Bud is the way to go
  • If you prefer working with ACF Blocks, go with ACF Composer

But I’m sure others might have different thoughts, looking forward to hearing them :slight_smile:

Yes, thanks!
That was exactly what I was looking for!

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How would you use this technique to also enqueue those assets in the editor?
If I also add the example script to my editor.js entrypoint:

const editor = async () => {
  if (document.querySelector('.slider')) {
    const {slider} = await import('./slider.js')


The slider isn’t triggered since the querySelector won’t find anything here:

I also tried wrapping it around the domReady call:

domReady(async () => {

But same result, is there a callback available for when the editor has loaded all blocks?

Ah I fixed that by using this example:

import { select, subscribe } from '@wordpress/data'

export function whenEditorIsReady() {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        const unsubscribe = subscribe(() => {
            // This will trigger after the initial render blocking, before the window load event
            // This seems currently more reliable than using __unstableIsEditorReady
            if (select('core/editor').isCleanNewPost() || select('core/block-editor').getBlockCount() > 0) {

whenEditorIsReady().then(() => {
  if (document.querySelector('.slider')) {
    const {slider} = await import('./slider.js')

I’ve got a follow-up question regarding dynamic blocks;
I was following this article and this example for creating a dynamic block.

I would like to use Bud to register my dynamic block and render it with the Gutenberg React components in the editor, but I want to render the front-end with PHP using a blade template.

I understand I have to register the same block both in JS as in PHP and just omit the save() function in JS, but how can I tell the PHP part to use a blade view and pass the block attributes, just like you would with an ACF block?

namespace App\Controllers;
use function Roots\view;

class Gutenberg
	public static function register_blocks()
		register_block_type('ah/media-grid', [
			'render_callback' => view('blocks/media-grid', ['block' => $this])->render()
add_action('init', ['App\Controllers\Gutenberg',    'register_blocks']);

My blade template:


What parameter do I need to pass to blade. because I’m getting the error:

Using $this when not in object context

I was looking at how the ACF Composer blocks do that, but can’t seem to figure it out how to achieve the same in PHP?

Any tips? Thanks!

I’m answering my own question again, sorry about that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But I found out that the poet block array is exactly meant for this use case:

In my config/poet.php:

return [
	'block' => [

Then I can completely remove that register_block_type action. In my blade view I now have these parameters available:

	@dump($data, $content)
	<div>{!! $content ?? '' !!}</div>

The only thing that isn’t working yet are my InnerBlocks, in my edit.js I have:

import { InnerBlocks } from '@wordpress/block-editor'

const ALLOWED_BLOCKS = ['core/heading', 'core/paragraph', 'core/list', 'core/buttons', 'core/button']
const TEMPLATE = [
	['core/paragraph', {
		allowedFormats: ['core/bold', 'core/italic'],
		placeholder: __('Voeg tekst toe…')

export const edit = ({ attributes, setAttributes }) => {
	return (
		{/* ... other markup */}

// export const save = () => null;

I can see the InnerBlocks in the editor and I can add text, but after saving it dissapears again? In my blade view $content is always false.

Any ideas what might go wrong?

EDIT: Sorry just had to add in save function:

/* Block save */
export const save = () => {
	return (
		<InnerBlocks.Content />

I know this is old but I am also working on adding a block using Poet @Twansparant . See Sage 10 + Poet block - Not loading . It seems I need to add edit.js and edit.css for my block , but I am not clear on how. I could add these to

  • resources/scripts/editor.js
  • resources/styles/editor.css

but I assume we do a separate JS at least as well as a save.js per block. How did you add these to your theme?