Restarted Computer and now localhost wont start

So I restarted my laptop and I cant get my local sites to run. I had everything working and it deployed. Now I dont know what happened.

Care to elaborate? Are you talking about Trellis?

If so you’d need to run vagrant up every time you restart your computer.

I am here:

and I run: vagrant up to get

It says: A VirtualBox machine with the name ‘’ already exists.
Please use another name or delete the machine with the existing
name, and try again.

vboxmanage list vms
“default” {25ea0818-12ba-4abb-9256-16eab73c2f5a}
“” {9deff5f0-d097-4a8d-930f-0f1195ff5f09}
“ubuntu-cloudimg-trusty-vagrant-amd64_1451953212967_70484” {a1c2e44a-16f0-4565-9aa2-82c76b86ce0a}

Check the currently running boxes by doing:
vagrant global-status
It will show you the directories where your boxes are, and the ID which you can use to run halt, reload, destroy etc. on it as needed

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