S3 Storage build for budjs doesn't run on trellis deploy (works locally)

Hey, I have got the new Sage s3 storage working via budjs thanks to the recently added instructions.

However these only work if I comment out the 'WP_ENV !== ‘development’ check and run ‘yarn build’ locally. When I run trellis, for staging or production, these steps are apparently completely missed, though I am able to us this S3 plugin on the server with the same environment variables so I know they are present.

Here is my bud.config.js file:

 * Compiler configuration
 * @see {@link https://roots.io/sage/docs sage documentation}
 * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/learn/config bud.js configuration guide}
 * @type {BrowserSyncPlugin|{}}

export default async (app) => {
   * Application assets & entrypoints
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/reference/bud.entry}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/reference/bud.assets}
    .entry('app', ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app'])
    .entry('editor', ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'])
    .assets(['images', 'fonts']);

  const assetUrl = () => {
    let bucketUrl = app.env.get('S3_UPLOADS_ENDPOINT');
    const environment = app.env.get('WP_ENV');

    return bucketUrl + '/' + environment + '/' + 'assets/';

   * Conditions to be met before uploading to S3
  const uploadConditionsMet = ({env}) => {
    return (
      // env.get('WP_ENV') !== 'development' &&
      env.isString('S3_UPLOADS_KEY') &&

   * Handle configuring S3 and uploading assets
  const handleAWSUpload = async ({env, fs, path}) => {
    fs.s3.config.set('credentials', {
      accessKeyId: env.get('S3_UPLOADS_KEY'),
      secretAccessKey: env.get('S3_UPLOADS_SECRET'),
    fs.s3.config.set('endpoint', env.get('S3_UPLOADS_ENDPOINT'));
    fs.s3.config.set('bucket', env.get('WP_ENV'));

      source: path('public'),
      destination: 'assets',
      keep: 5


    () => app.setPublicPath(assetUrl()),
    () => app.setPublicPath('/app/themes/sage/public/')

    uploadConditionsMet, // ...if function returns true
    handleAWSUpload, // do the upload
    () => console.info('skipping S3 upload') // else log that we're skipping

   * Development server settings
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/reference/bud.setUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/reference/bud.setProxyUrl}
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/reference/bud.watch}
    .watch(['resources/views', 'app']);

   * Generate WordPress `theme.json`
   * @note This overwrites `theme.json` on every build.
   * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/extensions/sage/theme.json}
   * @see {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/themes/theme-json}
      background: {
        backgroundImage: true,
      color: {
        custom: false,
        customDuotone: false,
        customGradient: false,
        defaultDuotone: false,
        defaultGradients: false,
        defaultPalette: false,
        duotone: [],
      custom: {
        spacing: {},
        typography: {
          'font-size': {},
          'line-height': {},
      spacing: {
        padding: true,
        units: ['px', '%', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh'],
      typography: {
        customFontSize: false,



and in case it helps, my trellis file for the relevant steps (build before):

# Placeholder `deploy_build_before` hook for building theme assets on the
# host machine and then copying the files to the remote server

- name: Install Sage npm dependencies
  command: yarn
  delegate_to: localhost
      chdir: "{{ project_local_path }}/web/app/themes/sage"
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Install Sage Composer dependencies
  command: composer install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-progress --optimize-autoloader --no-scripts --classmap-authoritative
      chdir: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}/web/app/themes/sage"
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Compile Sage assets for production
  command: yarn build
  delegate_to: localhost
      chdir: "{{ project_local_path }}/web/app/themes/sage"
  ignore_errors: yes

- name: Copy Sage production assets
      src: "{{ project_local_path }}/web/app/themes/sage/public"
      dest: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}/web/app/themes/sage"
      group: no
      owner: no
      rsync_opts: --chmod=Du=rwx,--chmod=Dg=rx,--chmod=Do=rx,--chmod=Fu=rw,--chmod=Fg=r,--chmod=Fo=r
  ignore_errors: yes

Could this be to do with Sage as a dev dependency? I tried moving a few things around but couldn’t figure out anything that worked.

  "devDependencies": {
    "@roots/bud": "6.20.0",
    "@roots/bud-eslint": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/bud-prettier": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/bud-react": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/bud-sass": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/bud-stylelint": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/bud-tailwindcss": "6.20.0",
    "@roots/eslint-config": "^6.23.3",
    "@roots/sage": "6.20.0"
  "dependencies": {}

So the issue appears to be that if my local .env contains development Trellis is picking this up as well? Adding environment variables to the yarn build step during deployment appeared to resolve this.

- name: Compile Sage assets for production
  command: yarn build
  delegate_to: localhost
    chdir: "{{ project_local_path }}/web/app/themes/sage"
  ignore_errors: yes
    WP_ENV: "production"
    S3_UPLOADS_KEY: "{{ s3_uploads_key | default('') }}"
    S3_UPLOADS_SECRET: "{{ s3_uploads_secret | default('') }}"
    S3_UPLOADS_ENDPOINT: "{{ s3_uploads_endpoint | default('') }}"
    S3_UPLOADS_REGION: "{{ s3_uploads_region | default('') }}"

However one thing that makes investigating this difficult is the errors thrown up by the s3 upload; they refer to the compiler but it appears to be more with the fact that files can’t be duplicated; ie if I make a php update only and redeploy, there will be an upload error because the compiled front end files did change. Is this correct?