i’m migrating from Sage 9.x to Sage 10.x. I encounter issues trying to integrate Tailwind with my SCSS stylesheets. I read a lot of discussion here, but without find any solutions.
When i launch
yarn build
i got this error:
Module build failed (from ../node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js): SyntaxError (1:62) resources/styles/app.scss The
bg-primaryclass does not exist. If
bg-primaryis a custom class, make sure it is defined within a
@layer directive. [...]
My package.json deps are:
“devDependencies”: {
“@roots/bud”: “^6.17.0”,
“@roots/bud-sass”: “^6.17.0”,
“@roots/bud-tailwindcss”: “^6.17.0”,
“@roots/sage”: “^6.17.0”
i have a app.scss file with some import, where some of then have custom TailwindCSS classes as bg-primary that have to fill a background color of my “primary” color defined in tailwin.config.js file.
Have some suggestions? Where i can find an example of configuration with those packages?
Thanks in advance