Sage 10 components not compiled on hosting wpmudev


This my first time working with acorn components.
Offline on my laptop its working fine but on the hosting wpmudev its not working.
The components are not compiled.

I search on internet this problem but I can’t find anything what the fix is.

Have anyone I idea what the problem is?


What exactly does this mean?

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I made the components with wp acorn make:component
On my local environment this logic from the components works and data display.
When I want to put the site online at wpmudev every component made with command not working.

One component for text with inspect I can see my own attributes that not normal.
On my local environment this working I have no idea what I do wrong.

How are you deploying your site to your webhost?

I deploying the site with ftp.
I upload only the theme folder after building with yarn build and composer install --no-dev

I have tried to upload the cache folder also but that not working.
After upload the cache folder I get a error manifest.json cannot be found

The public/ folder must be uploaded as it contains the theme build artifacts (including the manifest.json).

When I upload the cache/acorn then I get Error manifest.json cannot be found.
I uploaded the whole theme except node_modules and .budfiles.

In my public folder I see the manifest.json.

When I generate the acorn in the cache folder than I haven’t a error manifest.json.

To give example

This get I on the hosting wpmudev:

And on my local environment is it working:

I have no idea what I do wrong.

I encountered the same issue and reported it in this post. Here is the solution: