Sage-woocommerce and Radicle

I found information on how to integrate the sage 10 theme with woocommerce to use blade templates (GitHub - generoi/sage-woocommerce), since radicle has a different structure, how to do it correctly

Have you tried it? sage-woocommerce is a package and Radicle’s directory structure shouldn’t effect it.

Yes, I tried, changing the blade archive and single-product.blade.php templates does not change anything.

I can confirm there’s some issues with the sage-woocommerce package and Radicle — I don’t have an answer/solution just yet though

Workaround for now (props @sequelagency)

Modify the contents of public/content/mu-plugins/00-acorn-boot.php:

add_action('after_setup_theme', fn () => \Roots\bootloader()->boot());

Yes, everything works, thanks!

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I have modified my 00-acorn-boot.php but the single-product.blade.php does not override the WooCommerce default template so can’t customize.


if (! function_exists('\Roots\bootloader')) {
        __('You need to install Acorn to use this site.', 'radicle'),
            'link_url' => '',
            'link_text' => __('Acorn Docs: Installation', 'radicle'),

add_action('after_setup_theme', fn () => \Roots\bootloader()->boot());

I think this is resolved in the latest version of sage-woocommerce? (included in v1.1.3)

So I ran

composer update generoi/sage-woocommerce

Should this fix it do I need to do anything after, seems to be the same

It did upgrade

Upgrading generoi/sage-woocommerce (v1.1.2 => v1.1.3)

Just bumping this not sure why my resources/views/woocommerce/single-product.blade.php even if I make it just a H1 with test it does not replace the page.

Oh I mistakenly thought this was no longer neccesary with the fix from sage package but it is so I added the add_action with composer update and it is working now

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:+1: That is now the default in Radicle since v1.3.0