Sage workflow

Hello guys, first thx very much for this modern theme. i am working in my new theme and i have any qestions.

  • For each function for my theme i should create a plugin? example, i have a custom post. I should create a plugin fo this cpt function?

  • What file is the equivalent of function.php?

Thanks so much for reading :slight_smile:

Equivalent files to functions.php are in your-theme/app:

This is the functions.php file:

These files are added to functions.php in this array:

Here is the info in the docs:

And the theme structure here:



We take a two-forked approach.

Information Architecture code β€” stuff that’s theme-independent like custom post types, custom taxonomies, image settings, etc β€” we put into a custom plugin and place it in mu-plugins.

Virtually all other functions go in the Sober Controller.

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