Sage10 Latest release SVG Blade Directive


I’m trying to spin up a new project with the latest Sage10. I got things working but I’m struggling getting an inline SVG to work. Previously using @svg('images/file.svg) in a Blade Template would do the trick but now it just prints this string into my template.

Any clue as to why the svg directive is not working?

I’m finding it hard to debug. The packagelog1x/sage-svg is included in my composer.json

I have tried to use {!! get_svg(images.file.svg) !!} which causes the following error:

file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/images/***/svg.svg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/srv/www/:/tmp)

What I find strange is that it appends the /svg to the filename.

The solution was on the package’s github all along:

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