[Sage10] [SOLVED] @extends not working on category and single

I’m creating a blog, and the page.blade.php works just fine:

{{-- <x-section bgColor="primary">Section</x-section> --}}
{{-- <x-product></x-product> --}}
{{-- <x-breadCrumb></x-breadCrumb> --}}
{{-- <x-button></x-button>


    <x-header></x-header> --}}


    <?php $count = 0; ?>

    @if ( have_rows( 'flexible_content' ) ) 
    @while ( have_rows( 'flexible_content' ) ) <?php the_row(); ?>

        {{-- <x-section container="{{ $page[$count]['container'] }}" paddingTop="{{ $page[$count]['paddingTop']}}" paddingBottom="{{ $page[$count]['paddingBottom']}}" bgColor="{{ $page[$count]['backgroundColor'] }}"> --}}
        @if ( have_rows( 'row' ) )
        @while ( have_rows( 'row' ) ) <?php the_row(); ?>

            @if ( have_rows( 'column' ) )
            @while ( have_rows( 'column' ) ) <?php the_row(); ?>
                <?php $layoutConverted = str_replace( '_', '-', get_row_layout()); ?>
                @include('blocks.' . $layoutConverted)
        {{-- </x-section> --}}

    <?php $count++ ?>



HOWEVER, when I create single.blade.php or category.blade.php - they do work, in the sense if you type random letters they’ll show, and blade components such as <x-component></x-component> also, work, but as soon as I put in


I tried to re-save permalinks a dozen times.

The site breaks - no idea why.

Rubber duck is real, yes, yes? Yes yes it is real…


I checked logs, and the reason was because I had undefine variable that broke some pages and some not.

Always need to check logs when. Blank page? Check the docs.

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