Sage9 Stylesheet Missing

I’m using Sage 9 without Bedrock. I’m actually Developing using this Docker-Compose repo.

I’m getting a stylesheet not found error when I try to run the Wordpress container which kind of makes sense–maybe–since there isn’t a style.css file in the main theme directory.

Running yarn run build yields

yarn run v0.23.4
$ webpack --progress --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js 
                    Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names                   
          scripts/main.js   201 kB       0  [emitted]  main
    scripts/customizer.js  3.26 kB       1  [emitted]  customizer
          styles/main.css   205 kB       0  [emitted]  main
      scripts/   327 kB       0  [emitted]  main
      styles/  1.05 MB       0  [emitted]  main
scripts/  3.09 kB       1  [emitted]  customizer
✨  Done in 6.64s.

The style.css file is in the resources directory, which I imagine is expected behavior, but how does this work in terms of wp theme compatibility?


I see that this issue is under discussion in Github which started here where there’s a workaround.

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Where are you seeing this?

WordPress properly supports this

WordPress doesn’t support this via zip file upload.

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Report a bug upstream then? If isn’t consistent with how themes are structured within their codebase there isn’t much we can do about it

Hi Ben. A little tardy in getting back to this. It looks like it’s wp-cli that isn’t happy, via docker-compose:

wordpress_1  | + runuser www-data -s /bin/sh -c 'wp theme activate "villetheme"'
wordpress_1  | Error: Stylesheet is missing.

WP-CLI version: 1.4.1

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You’ll probably need to activate the theme first via the WP admin. If that’s not possible for you, then take a look at to see what modifications to make to move the required files back to the theme root


is there any way to fix this by using the --path=<path> argument?

so wp theme activate theme-name --path=sage9/theme/path or something like that?

If you are using WP-CLI to activate Sage, you can just use:

wp theme activate theme-name/resources

This works great. Thanks!

Thanks @knowler - you’ve inspired me to create a task in roles/wordpress-install/main.yml to set the theme (when it’s been defined).

deploy-hooks/build-before (roots code):

 - name: Clone project files
     repo: "{{ project_git_repo }}"
     version: "{{ project_version }}"
     dest: "{{ project_build_path }}"
     force: yes
   no_log: true
   connection: local

 - name: Install npm dependencies
   command: yarn
   connection: local
     chdir: "{{ project_build_path }}/web/app/themes/my-sage-9-theme"

 - name: Install Composer dependencies
   command: composer install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-progress --optimize-autoloader --no-scripts
     chdir: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}/web/app/themes/my-sage-9-theme"

 - name: Compile assets for production
   command: yarn build:production
   connection: local
     chdir: "{{ project_build_path }}/web/app/themes/my-sage-9-theme"

 - name: Copy production assets
     src: "{{ project_build_path }}/web/app/themes/my-sage-9-theme/dist"
     dest: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}/web/app/themes/my-sage-9-theme"
     group: no
     owner: no
     rsync_opts: --chmod=Du=rwx,--chmod=Dg=rx,--chmod=Do=rx,--chmod=Fu=rw,--chmod=Fg=r,--chmod=Fo=r


  site_theme: my-sage-9-theme/resources # append /resources only if it's a Sage 9 theme


- name: Active WP Theme
  command: wp theme activate {{ wordpress_sites_common.site_theme }} --allow-root
    chdir: "{{ www_root }}/{{ item.key }}/{{ item.value.current_path | default('current') }}/"
  with_dict: "{{ wordpress_sites }}"
  when: wordpress_sites_common.site_theme is defined

The conditional to check that the theme name has been defined makes it robust, so I think this will work for me until an official fix has been applied.

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