Hello, I just installed Sage 10.4.0 and followed this guide to remove tailwind and stopped after installing @roots/bud-sass because I don’t want bootstrap. I also renamed the app.css file to app.scss and renamed editor.css to editor.scss.
Everything seems to be working up to the point I tried using sass mixins and variables. In my bud.config.js added app.sass.importGlobal("@src/styles/variables").
Hmm, I am using Foundation for my front-end framework, so I had to follow most of the same steps. I am not having any issues using Sass or compiling. To see if it helps, I will just provide some of my settings/setup for you.
My bud.config.js file I didn’t need to really add anything special, be sure to check your public path, and that your entry points aren’t altered. The only tweak I made was: .watch('resources/views/**/*', 'app/**/*')
My app.scss file can be seen here (has mostly Foundation imports: Sage app.scss (Foundation) · GitHub) however, at the end I import my own custom theme.scss file which that imports all my custom .scss files (variables, mixins, component styles, block styles, etc.
I run nvm use 16 and either yarn dev or yarn build.
Happy to try and help troubleshoot if this doesn’t work for you! Good Luck!