Script not loaded on production

I’m tried deploying for the first time the website with a theme built with Sage and I’m noticing that on the server the script main.js doesn’t get loaded. It is listed in the dist/assets.json file, but then it’s not on the page.

This is the manifest.json I am using, if it can be of any help:

  "dependencies": {
    "main.js": {
      "files": [
      "main": true
    "main.css": {
      "files": [
      "main": true
    "customizer.js": {
      "files": [
    "jquery.js": {
      "bower": ["jquery"]
  "config": {
    "devUrl": ""

And this is the dist/assets.json:

  "customizer.js": "customizer-2d71a5cf56.js",
  "main.css": "main-b0ef7e3822.css",
  "main.js": "main-ab78c7da8b.js"

Neither the main.js or customizer.js are loaded, only the css file.

Other things I shall look into?