Search / Permalink problems

I’m having trouble getting the search to work.
A search for an existing word on the site from the page “localhost/llandeilo5/the-dynevors-introduction” just returns the same page with the address “localhost/llandeilo5/the-dynevors-introduction/?s=and”

A search for a word that does not exist returns:
localhost/llandeilo5/the-dynevors-introduction/?s=yels (Not Found. Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.)

This affects pages with custom sidebars (“page-history.php” + registerred sidebar “sidebar-page-history”) as well as default pages,but not the home page which works OK (“http://localhost/llandeilo5/search/the”).

Disabling “function roots_nice_search_redirect()” doesn’t make any difference. I’m developing on Windows using XAMPP (LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ in httpd.conf is uncommented). Any suggestions most welcome.

Solved - I made an error copying the form from searchform.php into header-top-navbar - what a goof!