Set wp_memory_limit up in Trellis

Trying to define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT' , '128M' );


# group_vars/development/wordpress_sites
    wp_memory_limit: 128M

Then, vagrant up --provision

Memory remains at 40M. What is wrong?

You’ll need to define php_memory_limit in order for PHP to have the correct memory limit

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Sorry, I marked as solved too quickly. PHP memory limit seems to be right:

I only get wp_memory_limit: 128M hardcoding:

# bedrock/config/application.php
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

This config works:

If I try to set up with Trellis:

# group_vars/development/wordpress_sites
          - canonical: musicasusual.test
        local_path: ../musicasusual
        wp_memory_limit: 128M

PHP limit is OK, but WP limit remais 40M:


Would be an error in the wordpress_sites.yml. Isn’t it?

Defining wp_memory_limit in your wordpress_sites.yml isn’t doing anything

You’ll still need to define WP_MEMORY_LIMIT in the Bedrock config

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Ok! Thank you


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