Setting a custom plugin directory

I am trying to set custom directory for the plugins directory but anytime i set it up in the application.php the listing of the plugins is empty.

`Config::define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR. '/plugins');
  Config::define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', WP_CONTENT_URL. '/plugins');`

here is a screenshot of the admin dashborard when the WP_PLUGIN_DIR is set in the application

here is the screenshot of the directory tree
Screenshot from 2021-06-05 14-15-55

For running the site, are you using Vagrant, Docker or similar?
Because in those cases you may have to mount the plugin directory correctly in so it can be seen from WordPress.

Also just let print out the path in WP_PLUGIN_DIR and try to use exactly that from inside the server (e.g. cd).

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