Soil plugin not compatible with Wordpress editor

The Soil plugin is not compatible with the new editor in WordPress 5.0+. When you try to edit a post all you get is a white screen.
After some troubleshooting I have found that the problem is related to add_theme_support(‘soil-clean-up’);

More specific it appears the problem is in modules/clean-up.php code that Cleans up the output of <script> tags. Removing add_filter('script_loader_tag', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\clean_script_tag'); resolves the issue.

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Hi there! This isn’t something that I’ve been able to re-produce on any type of install

Do you experience the same issue on a fresh install?

What other plugins are active on the site?

Have you tried clearing your cache/sessions/using another browser?

I found the same issue on a fresh install with 2019 theme and plugin version 3.7.1 . I checked but I don’t see the latest version number listed. Maybe it is an older version of the plugin, which would explain why you can’t replicate the issue?

I’m able to re-produce a white screen with 3.7.1, but this is not a problem in the latest version (3.7.3)

You can download the latest version via or

edit: I’ll also be updating the Soil plugin page on the Roots site to list the latest version and last updated date — sorry about that! This was previously there, but I must have missed it when re-doing templates for the new site last year


The issue is resolved. Thank you for your assistance.

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