I have some trouble getting styles working in wp-admin, I’ve been going through the forum but none of the threads seems to help me.
I tried to add an admin.scss in config.json and enqueued the admin style but it doesn’t load the style. I also tried using the tinymce.scss but none of the styles are applied in wp-admin.
* Add custom admin styles
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function($hook) {
// Only add custom admin styles on certain views to prevent
// conflicts with 3rd-party plugin styles (e.g. WS Form)
// https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/22954/185703
if ($hook == 'post-new.php' || $hook == 'post.php' || $hook == 'edit.php') {
// Note: Even though we only need CSS we have to use enqueue()
// since enqueueCss() doesn’t work locally for some reason.
You can also load custom styles just in the Gutenberg editor like this:
* Add custom Gutenberg editor CSS and JS assets
* https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/tutorials/javascript/extending-the-block-editor/
* https://soderlind.no/hide-block-styles-in-gutenberg/
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
// NOTE: This won’t apply CSS to block pattern preview iframes
// when “bud dev” is running since the CSS is injected,
// but it will work in production or after running “bud build”
}, 100);
Both assets need to be defined in bud.config.mjs:
admin: '@styles/admin.scss',// custom styles for all WP admin pages
app: ['@scripts/main', '@styles/main.scss'],// main site CSS and JS
gutenberg: ['@scripts/gutenberg', '@styles/gutenberg.scss'],// Gutenberg editor CSS and JS