I’m trying to get the development alias to work and have tried all of the above but nothing seems to work.
trellis vm shell
works fine and connects to systemuser@lima-projectname
also ssh -F /Users/systemuser/.lima/projectname.com/ssh.config lima-projectname.com
works fine and connects to systemuser@lima-projectname
Here is the contents of the ssh.config file.
# This SSH config file can be passed to 'ssh -F'.
# This file is created by Lima, but not used by Lima itself currently.
# Modifications to this file will be lost on restarting the Lima instance.
Host lima-projectname.com
IdentityFile "/Users/systemuser/.lima/_config/user"
IdentityFile "/Users/systemuser/.ssh/id_ed25519"
IdentityFile "/Users/systemuser/.ssh/id_rsa"
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes
GSSAPIAuthentication no
PreferredAuthentications publickey
Compression no
BatchMode yes
IdentitiesOnly yes
Ciphers "^aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com"
User systemuser
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath "/Users/systemuser/.lima/projectname.com/ssh.sock"
ControlPersist yes
ForwardAgent yes
Port 62290
however, I cannot seem to setup the alias in such a way that it will connect.
I’ve tried the following:
ssh: "systemuser@lima-projectname.com"
This returns Error: Cannot connect over SSH using provided configuration.
and ssh systemuser@lima-projectname.com
returns ssh: Could not resolve hostname lima-projectname.com: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
ssh: "systemuser@projectname.test"
This returns Error: Cannot connect over SSH using provided configuration.
and ssh systemuser@projectname.text
just returns without any message
ssh: "-F /Users/systemuser/.lima/projectname.com/ssh.config lima-projectname.com"
returns hostname contains invalid characters
Any help would be appreciated.