Syntax Error

Greetings developers, the following has happened to me, I have deactivated my project and when I resume it today and try to continue with the development it tells me the following

ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors
error in ./resources/assets/styles/main.scss

Syntax Error: C:\xampp\htdocs\devgd\wp-content\themes\gestion\node_modules\postcss-modules-values\node_modules\postcss\lib\css-syntax-error.js:201
} ehse {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

@ multi ./scripts/main.js ./styles/main.scss
error in ./resources/assets/styles/main.scss

Syntax Error: C:\xampp\htdocs\devgd\wp-content\themes\gestion\node_modules\postcss-modules-values\node_modules\postcss\lib\css-syntax-error.js:201
} ehse {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

I have never touched the referred file and yesterday before leaving it it worked normal, when executing ‘yarn build’ and ‘yarn start’ it ran very well.

I have reviewed the file and everything looks fine. I don’t know what happens.

‘ehse’ appears in the message but the file indicates if ‘else’ is spelled correctly.

Hi, which node.js version you have installed ? node -v

I currently have 10.14.2.

Previously I had 14.x.x but it was not working very well and I had to download it, and it had been working wonderfully. but now it gives me that error.

Upgrade –

I have run yarn build again to see the error and it no longer gives it to me, and I will comment this as it left it working yesterday, as it was this morning that caused the error and now my project is still the same and does not throw me an error.

Please if someone assumes something, I would appreciate your comment.

And also, which version of node.js should I use, I am with sage 9.0.9

I always add a .nvmrc file to lock the node version among workstations and developers.

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