The New Locker Room

My name is Jenny and I had the opportunity to lead/develop the new redesign of the most important website on my company and I pushed my company to start using Root’s Sage 10 and The New Locker Room was our first site (I hope from many to come). I loved the experience of working with this Wordpress, Laravel flavoured. It is really amazing the way it works…

This website is little bit complicated because it has to share domain with some .net pages our wordpress home page lives on

And most of the subpages are part of our Sage website like:

But there are a few others like the next ones on .net like the domain it self.

We used for this project pretty much everything Sage Offers:

  • Tailwind
  • Bud
  • Components, composers, service providers,
  • We even use Poet and ACF Builder from @Log1x which we found amazing.
  • And we also tried to use AcornDB but it seems abandoned and we couldn’t used so we used Corcel.

The experience of working with Sage was completely amazing, so I just was accepted as speaker for WordCamp Montreal 2023 and I will be giving a presentation/workshop introducing Root’s Sage as Professional Wordpress Development.

And that’s pretty much it for now, thanks Root’s for all the love. :blue_heart:


Welcome Jenny! Nice work on y’alls first site!

Congrats on being accepted as a speaker at WC Montreal 2023 :tada: Do you know if the talks are going to be recorded?

Also, let me know if you’d like for us to send some Sage, Acorn, and Bud stickers your way :incoming_envelope:

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Hello @ben I think the talk will be recorded and there will be a stream available. And sure, if that’s possible I’d love to have Root’s stickers to share with the audience.