Trellis + Bedrock + DO + Mutlideveloper + Staging/Prod environments

Goal: Using trellis and bedrock and digital ocean — have 2 developers working on the same wordpress site at the same time — ideally work on their home computers. Deploy changes to a staging environment that later get propagated to the production environment. Have a workflow that keeps everything in sync and resolves the merges of the db and wp-content/uploads and any other aspect of the wordpress site.

What follows is my research and I’m not seeing a straightforward solution…

Two side questions:

If I loose my instance completely — what is the way to restore it? Do I need to keep a copy of my DB and media files (/wp-content/uploads) — is there anything else that needs to be saved — what’s the protocol for version controlling these items?

Is there a way to develop on the Digital Ocean server itself as a staging and then take that back and put it into GIT? I’m thinking that both of us could develop on the digital ocean server but then how would I get all that stuff into GIT? It seems like the digital ocean server might be fast enough to do this and it would eliminate the DB merge problem

Thanks everyone!

---- start research

(Syncs DB Between computers — but not developers)

(programs to possibly merge databases — but I have seen anyone post them merging mysql databases for wordpress) (database merge tool) (not sure if this tool would work)

Applying queries to DB tables (deploy db script) — this idea seems more reasonable as each of us would keep a deploy sql script in git that I could then apply and push to staging. (records all the queries made to DB on wordpress)

Programs that handle the merge just not sophisticated enough for multi developer environment

Then the usual plugin — that moves everything but no merge