Trellis-cli returns: did not find expected key

Hi there,

I want to re-init one of my existing projects using trellis-cli, but for some reason this project refuses, it keeps giving me this message when I run trellis init or trellis info:

yaml: line 36: did not find expected key

I don’t know what yaml file it’s referring to?
I checked all the syntax of my yaml files and they all seem correct?
I tried destroying my box and updating Trellis to the latest version 1.14, but same message?

Anyone else bumped into this?

That’s a strange one. Does your project happen to have a trellis-cli config file? .trellis/cli.yml? If so, what’s in it?

If that’s not the problem, it might be failing trying to parse a wordpress_sites.yml config. Have you customized those in some high-level way? (like adding another root key)

I know right?

No .trellis/cli.yml file, no high-level customisations of my wordpress_sites.yml configs either?

Probably wouldn’t hurt to run wordpress_sites.yml though a YAML validator. I’ve had problems before where I forgot, like, a space or something.

Thanks, I just validated all of my yaml files in group_vars, they’re all ok?
Do you know which other files trellis-cli checks?

Thanks, I just validated all of my yaml files in group_vars, they’re all ok?
Do you know which other files trellis-cli check?

EDIT: Never mind, although my Sublime Text YAML validator didn’t warn me, I found one extra space in one of my wordpress_sites.yml files…

trellis init now runs smoothly!