Trellis Project return blank page

Hi there, I am not so experienced with Trellis. We have been using it for development of a site and wanted to deploy. Which we could not do for some SSH reason that we were unable to figure out. My collegue changed a couple of settings, then the project broke. We reverted to the old project as it was working, but now even the local dev repo broke and just returns a blank page. Because we reverted it to the stand that was working last all the variables should be set up correctly. Could there be some caching issue? I have no clue where to start looking - any help? thanks a lot.
I am able to get the server running and ssh into the server on my local environment. I get feedback on ping, but sudo service nginx return nginx: unrecognized service. UPDATE: I reprovisioned and nginx seems to be working now.

Have you checked the error logs in the VM?

Yes: error.log is empty. access.log has a couple of entrys like this: - - [20/May/2019:20:58:18 +0000] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “http://localhost:3000/” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36” “-”

Can you access the wp-admin by visiting it directly at /wp/wp-admin/? If so, navigate to Appearance > Themes and see if your theme is correctly activated

Nope. Cant get to the devurl: oururlname.test either. Its blank too.
AH UPDATE: Actually now it works suddenly. After provision again. OK strange.
But cant log in because username and password that i have are not working. -
Ah the password is in vaul.yml. OKOK. now logged in.
The theme was not activated and I am getting some error message yuhu: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function App\Controllers\get_field() in /srv/www/oururl.test/current/web/app/themes/our-theme/app/Controllers/App.php on line 40 - thats where it tries to get some ACF fields.
How would I check that the database is actually running? Sorry this questions … yet its these basics of how it is all connected that I dont quite get yet. - But maybe it has to do with this?

Seems like the acf plugin is not activated or installed?

Yeah the problem was that our database including plugins etc. was simply missing. We dont understand how this happened. But checking the database folder on the server: (vagrant ssh, then cd into /srv/www/oururl.test/current) there was nothing. Luckily we had a backup and used wp cli to restore like it is described here:
Thanks so much for your help!!!

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