Updated node and node modules in sage project. Getting 'media definitions' error when running gulp

I updated nodejs to 6.7.0 recently and now I’m having an issue when running ‘gulp’.

The output shows an error:

media definitions require block statements after any features in file /*pathtolocalhost*/wp-content/themes/sage/assets/styles/layouts/_digital-landing.scss line no. 71

On line 71 I have the first scss variable in the file:

@media #{$break-sm} {
	margin-top: 20px;

I have replaced that with the actual query and re-run gulp, the compiler then moves on to the next variable. I’m hoping there’s a better solution to the problem than replacing all of the variables in the project.

I would appreciate any help you’re able to provide!

This issue was caused by updating nodejs to anything above 6. I have since downgraded to 4.4.4 and everything is working fine now.