URL resolver failing to resolve svg

Hi developers,

I have this annoying issue where a simple process is not working. This is my style folder structure:

  • styles
    – components
    — elements
    ---- _buttons.scss
  • app.scss (< @imports buttons.scss)

And this is my images folder structure:

  • images
    – svg
    — font-awesome
    ---- chevron-right.svg

Within _buttons.scss I am trying to load chevron-right.svg with this path:


Which I think is already wrong, because I import _buttons.scss in app.scss, show the path should be …/images/svg/font-awesome/chevron-right.svg.

Now, when I run yarn run dev this is what is generated from that url:


This is my bud.config.js:

module.exports = (app) =>
app: [‘scripts/app.js’, ‘styles/app.scss’],
editor: [‘scripts/editor.js’, ‘styles/editor.css’],
.assets([app.path(‘src’, ‘images’)])

I really do not know why this is not working. Can someone please enlighten me.

Hey @dylanopafstand thanks for the report! This is fixed in 5.3.0.