Use Bedrock pointing to Subdirectory URL (made trough a Reverse Proxy)

Hello there, :wave:

I’m currently facing difficulties to deploy a project for a client.
The IT team of my client made the URL pointing to a VM where my bedrock instance is (through their reverse proxy).
I’m not in charge of this part so I can only assume that their job is done (or maybe there is some specification when doing this type of thing with bedrock ?). At least, I checked, and /web/index.php is well called.

What kind of things should I care when deploying for a subfolder final URL ?
For the moment, I noticed few things like:

  • My css isn’t working, the path looks OK, but the URL seems handled as a page. Bedrock says me “Page not found”
    -/site1/admin redirect well to /site1/wp/wp-admin/ but wordpress also tell me: “Page not found”

I hope my question isn’t that dumb or repetitive, I more into front-end things, and quite bad for rest :see_no_evil:

Of course any help will be appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks !

Would it be like a multisite configuration?
Because it also seems to work with a subdirectory as a root URL.

Quite dead there :confused: