Vagrant - Bedrock-Ansible failed to mount folders in Linux guest

Hello guys . Iā€™ve really benefited from using the Roots theme for a while now and am really excited about applying your workflow to setting up dev and production environments because Iā€™m moving away from shared hosting to VPS.

Iā€™m new to Vagrant and Ansible so its really amazing that you put together a ready made package to get me up and running with them fast but Iā€™ve spent 2 days trying to find out why I canā€™t get them to work and Iā€™ve hit a wall.

I installed Bedrock with composer then cloned the bedrock-ansible directory.
I then went into bedrock-ansible directory and ran
ā€˜Vagrant upā€™
It downloads the base box ā€˜roots/bedrockā€™ and looks really happy and busy for about 10 minutes.
When I look in the VIrtualBox Gui bedrock-ansible_default_ 1421848627649_34872 is Running happily.

When I look in /etc/hosts it has created a new host: # VAGRANT: de10802c16fe2ce2d899e569a2d62fe9 (default) / 368c9a8b-2142-4ae0-a8fc-ccb34c4050c1

Which looks great because is what I named the site in group_varsdevelopment file.

But when I navigate in the Browser to or i get ā€˜The web page is not availableā€™ message.

In the terminal at the end of the Vagrant up output I get the following error:

Failed to mount folders in Linux guest. This is usually because
the ā€œvboxsfā€ file system is not available. Please verify that
the guest additions are properly installed in the guest and
can work properly. The command attempted was:

mount -t vboxsf -o uid=id -u vagrant,gid=getent group vagrant | cut -d: -f3 vagrant /vagrant
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=id -u vagrant,gid=id -g vagrant vagrant /vagrant

The error output from the last command was:

stdin: is not a tty
/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

Iā€™m not sure how you installed Virtualbox, but it sounds like you need to install Guest Additions:

The first list is the actual Virtualbox application, but underneath that is ā€œVirtualBox 4.3.20 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Packā€, which you should also install.

Hello kalenjohnson
Thanks so much for this.
Iā€™ve now got the latest version of VirtualBox and and Guest Additions.
This got me a lot further because I got Ansible to run and to do that lovely thing where it scrolls down the screen telling you what it is setting up for you.

Only problem is I still canā€™t get to see the new virtual WordPress machine in the browser - when I navigate in the Browser to or i still get ā€˜The web page is not availableā€™ message.

I have no error messages, not even when i run vagrant up --debug
In the task:TASK: [wordpress-sites | WP installed?] ***************************************
all the output was red and at the end it says ā€˜ā€¦ignoringā€™ in blue text. Does that mean there is a problem? in group_vars/development i left
site_install: true
as it was as I wanted it to install

How do I find php errors? Or any errors that can help me get up and running?

Its working!
How can I buy you a drink? Please let me know.

All i have to do is go to the hostname that i set up in the group_vars/development

I typed :
sudo service network-manager restart
to restart networking so that is would update what it read in /etc/hosts
still cant see anything at

  • it gives a message saying
    ā€™no data received '
    which is weird but I can live with it for now.
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Glad you got it working, and thanks for coming back and posting your fix :slight_smile: