I think Ubuntu ARM64 might return aarch64 as the architecture which wouldn’t be matched. That repo hasn’t been touched in forever but it’s worth opening an issue/PR.
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
/usr/local/bin/landrush-ip -yaml
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
bash: line 4: /usr/local/bin/landrush-ip: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
exit status 1
So yeah that maintainer would need to update their Makefile to actually build the arm64 binary and adjust the logic to pick which binary to install. It wouldn’t be hard to fork.
Well that was an interesting side-project
I managed to build the linux_arm64 locally with gox and add the logic to the landrush_ip_install.rb and Makefile files.
When copying the landrush_ip_install.rb file and the landrush-ip-linux_arm64 build to my local dist, it works:
==> default: Automatic installation for Landrush IP not enabled
==> default: [landrush] Using eth1 (
==> default: [landrush] Adding 'mydomain.test =>' to /Users/username/.vagrant.d/data/landrush/hosts.json
default: [landrush] starting DNS server: '/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/ruby /Users/username/.vagrant.d/gems/2.7.4/gems/landrush-1.3.2/lib/landrush/start_server.rb 10053 /Users/username/.vagrant.d/data/landrush /Users/username/.vagrant.d/gems/2.7.4/gems'
==> default: [landrush] Using eth1 (
[landrush] Host DNS resolver config for TLD 'mydomain.test' looks good.
My subdomain works now on my multisite, even with SSL enabled!
So I made a PR for this:
I guess the dependency also needs to be updated in landrush itself?
@Twansparant Any chance you can drop in your compiled gem here that is working for you? I’ve been trying to get the landrush-ip bundle installed and then compiled with your updates and it’s just not working for me unfortunately.
Sure thing!
I’m a Ruby noob, so don’t have a clue where to host a compiled gem, so I added a .zip file containing the compiled gem (with the /util/dist/landrush-ip-linux_arm64 file) to our landrush-ip fork.
Hope it helps you!
Thanks a ton! This got me a lot closer to getting everything back up locally. Running into some Installing NFS client... issues, but I’m not entirely sure if that is related to landrush_ip. Going to dig into that a bit and see what I find. Thanks again