View [] not found

I’m using this workaround so that Sage9 works in my environment (Docker).

Using "soberwp/controller": "~9.0.0-beta.4"

New to Laravel, Sober as well as Blade.

View [] not found. (View: /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/villetheme/views/index.blade.php)

This is the dir structure of views, which is now in top level directory of theme (along with styles, index, etc)

├── 404.blade.php
├── index.blade.php
├── layouts
│   └── app.blade.php
├── page.blade.php
├── partials
│   ├── comments.blade.php
│   ├── content-page.blade.php
│   ├── content-search.blade.php
│   ├── content-single.blade.php
│   ├── content.blade.php
│   ├── entry-meta.blade.php
│   ├── footer.blade.php
│   ├── head.blade.php
│   ├── header.blade.php
│   ├── page-header.blade.php
│   └── sidebar.blade.php
├── search.blade.php
├── single.blade.php
└── template-custom.blade.php

Is it’s looking for
    [0] => /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/MyTheme/resources/views
    [1] => /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/MyTheme/resources/views

It appears that index.blade.php is loading from the views dir at theme root, but illuminate/view/FileViewFinder.php is looking for a views dir within resources.

Would someone tell me where the $paths sent to findInPaths() is configured?

Still poking around a bit here.

There’s the filter_templates($templates) function in helpers.

$paths = apply_filters('sage/filter_templates/paths', [

But I’m still hacking around to send the right array to illuminate/view/FileViewFinder.php.

Update config/views.php.

'paths' => [

Remove /resources from the path.

To the Laravel docs.