VMWare Workstation and Trellis

I have removed the vagrant bindfs and winnfsd plugins and tried to load vagrant with VMW WS, but this is the end result of vagrant up:

HGFS was never found on the running virtual machine. This must be
installed either through VMware tools or Open VM Tools. HGFS is
required for shared folders to work properly. Please install either
the VMware tools or Open VM Tools and try again.

The only reason I bought vmware plugin for vagrant is the advertised stability and performance. Not looking to me that way, currently.

The virtualbox winnfsd plugin has an issue with windows firewall, when I disable the Windows firewall for public/guest networks (to which virtualbox adapter belongs) I shave about 1 second of http wait time on page load, as soon as I switch the firewall on it adds a 1+ second to load time.
I tried opening ports 111, 2049 and 3333 but it didn’t help.

I still remember the woes of trying to install the vmware/openvm tools in one vmware box, if I have to go through it all again, to get shared folders working, I might as well give up the vmware license.

Regardless of hypervisor I have had the best experience with CIFS,
Windows server sharing the folder, Linux client accessing it using CIFS.

  • Some tweaking of Windows registry and CIFS mount settings may be necessary.