VS Code in year 2019 - right settings/plugins for development SAGE

I used IDE VS Code for development. But, its not 100% ok by me. Do you have some tunning for development for Wordpress and SAGE?
I wath some lists and tutorials, but either are very old or is not accurate for combination Worpdress+Sass+Blade+PHP+Html

Plugins and settings for year 2019 for VS Code?

I guess I am a bit of an outlier here, but I use Atom IDE (and Noatepad++ for simple text editing).

I’m pretty happy with my current setup. Here are the plugins I use on Sage projects:

PHP debugging right in your editor is so awesome if you ever run into issues. PHP intelephanse is perfect at helping you autocomplete wordpress native functions as well as your theme and plugins functions as well. That’s pretty much all I use. Hope somebody can add more.

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Hi Andrew,
thank you for your share info. And what do you use for formatting code (for PHP, sass, blade files) ?
And do you have some special user settings?

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