Web/app/cache/acorn/framework/cache directory must be present and writable

I installed bedrock / sage / acorn before but it’s he first time I have this message when i select sage theme in my wp admin.

web/app/cache/acorn/framework/cache directory must be present and writable.

Not sure to know what is happening. I am on wsl ubuntu. Could someone help me to look in the right direction ?
Thnak you so much in advance.

Is there a directory under web/app/cache/acorn/framework/cache, in the Bedrock/WordPress site directory? What owner/group and what permissions has it?

No. I had to create it manually and change user permission to make www-data the owner.

That directory should be created automatically in recent
Sage 10 (acorn) (see this related issue).
What version of Sage 10 and also acorn is the project using?

I use sage 10 on WSL Ubuntu. To solve the problem, I had to create the the directory manually and change permission to ww-data.
Hope that helps if someone has the same issue.