Webpack fails to watch and compile files (solved)

By chance did anyone else have their webpack die recently? I removed my node_modules folder about two hours ago, and when I reran npm install, my webpack no longer works. It won’t spin up a server nor watch any files. I’ve double checked to see if I accidently changed a file, but everything seems fine.
I even downloaded a brand new copy of Sage 9, and it will not spin up a server or watch any files there either.
I’m on macOS Sierra v 10.12.1
Npm v.10.8
Node v6.9.1

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By the way, here’s the output from my terminal

➜  generations git:(master) npm start

> sage@9.0.0-alpha.3 start /Users/robertaguilera/Development/gcc.com/site/web/app/themes/generations
> npm run build -s -- --watch

clean-webpack-plugin: /Users/robertaguilera/Development/gcc.com/site/web/app/themes/generations/dist has been removed.
 10% building modules 3/3 modules 0 active
Webpack is watching the files…

 11% building modules 16/26 modules 10 active ...pack-hot-middleware/process-update.jsThe react/require-extension rule is deprecated. Please use the import/extensions rule from eslint-plugin-import instead.
Hash: e1c67ecb1d3a961a7362
Version: webpack 2.1.0-beta.22
Time: 4271ms
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Hash: e1c67ecb1d3a961a7362
Version: webpack 2.1.0-beta.22
Time: 4271ms
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images/utensils-closeup.jpg    3.51 MB          [emitted]
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chunk    {1} scripts/files.js, scripts/files.js.map (files) 80.6 kB [entry] [rendered]
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webpack: bundle is now VALID.
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So, what I’ve discovered is that if I use a backup I have of my node_modules folder that was created about two weeks ago, webpack works just fine. However, if I were to run a fresh npm install, then webpack will no longer watch or create a browser synced localhost url.

I have replicated this bug on two different Macbooks as well as a machine running Ubuntu. I’ve tried to limit the versions of the dev dependencies in the package.json file in the root of Sage, (removed the ^ from each dependency), but that doesn’t work either.

My guess, is that some dependency somewhere deep in the bowels of the node_modules folder was updated and now breaks Webpack’s watching and/or browser sync capability.

Can someone else test this out? Here are the steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Remove your node_modules folder (create a backup first!) and run npm install.
    • You should now have a fresh node_modules folder.
  2. Run npm run start
    • This should spin up webpack which will normally start a localhost:3000 url for you and start to watch your files for changes.
  3. Verify that a localhost site no longer spins up and that webpack will no longer recompile your files (scss, php, or js files) whenever you make a change to them.
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same problem here! No way to do a step forward! :frowning:

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I’m not sure exactly the best way to do it (probably diff), but we should be able to track down the dependency which has changed pretty easily by comparing the current and old node_modules directory? It will at least give as a start.

Again, this is only a rough plan, since I’m new to Webpack, but it looks from your logs like maybe Browsersync is the issue here. If web pack is compiling but not updating for changes, that is.


  • This post from 2004 indicates macOS can have folder corruption issues.
  • Also, did you try deleting/moving the asset’s folder?

In my case the server is not started when i run ‘npm start’, compiling work!
This is my config file:

  "entry": {
    "main": [
    "customizer": [
  "watch": [
  "publicPath": "/wp-content/themes/volta",
  "devUrl": "http://volta.local",
  "proxyUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
  "cacheBusting": "[name]_[hash:8]"

this is my terminal response:

volta git:(master) npm start

> sage@9.0.0-alpha.3 start /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/volta/wp-content/themes/volta
> npm run build -s -- --watch

clean-webpack-plugin: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/volta/wp-content/themes/volta/dist has been removed.
 10% building modules 3/3 modules 0 active
Webpack is watching the files…

Hash: 879b07760cb0872ab9c2
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   [25] ./assets/images/product1h.jpg 66 bytes {1} [built]
   [26] ./assets/images/product2.jpg 65 bytes {1} [built]
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   [28] ./assets/images/product4.jpg 65 bytes {1} [built]
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chunk    {2} scripts/customizer.js, scripts/customizer.js.map (customizer) 88.3 kB [entry] [rendered]
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    [] multi customizer 76 bytes
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    [7] ./~/html-entities/lib/html4-entities.js 6.57 kB {0} {1} {2} [built]
    [8] ./~/html-entities/lib/xml-entities.js 2.98 kB {0} {1} {2} [built]
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   [10] ./~/querystring-es3/encode.js 2.54 kB {0} {1} {2} [built]
   [11] ./~/querystring-es3/index.js 127 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
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   [16] external "jQuery" 42 bytes {0} {2} [not cacheable]
   [30] ./assets/scripts/customizer.js 4.39 kB {2} [built]
webpack: bundle is now VALID

@thisolivier - I did not try to move or delete the assets folder. It seemed like it wasn’t so much related to anything I moved or modified, as using my node_modules folder from a few weeks back solves the problem. Also, I did not see that post! I’ll try it when I get home and post the results. Thanks! I also tried to diff the two to see if I could see what changed, but there were quite a few changed dependencies. Made it impossible to see what the culprit was unless I went and manually changed them back one by one. Hopefully it’s just a folder corruption issue. It’ll be a deal killer if I can’t get this worked out and I do really like roots :frowning:
@giacomo.alonzi if you’re stuck I can send you a copy of my node_modules folder. You can still install new dependencies, but trying to recompile the whole thing will hose webpack. Also, your config file is identical to mine (save for the name of the theme), you’re output is the same as well.

Yeah, it’s an issue? we have to report a bug? what you think?

sage@alpha-4 gives you the yarn.lock file already to make sure you use the correct version of the packages.
Have you tried that?

@Nicolo_Sacchi - yarn install solves the issue. Was holding off learning about yarn, but now guess this forced me to. Thanks!
@giacomo.alonzi @thisolivier - use yarn install instead of npm install. Let me know if that works for you guys as well.

yes but nothing change man!

@robaguilera with alpha 4 I have the reverse problem. Server is started, but webpack not watch the files.


I’m not sure its fully related but maybe worth a look into it:

Does yarn.lock - lock the portscanner to 1.0.0?



  version "1.0.0"
  resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/portscanner/-/portscanner-1.0.0.tgz#3b5cfe393828b5160abc600e6270ebc2f1590558"
    async "0.1.15"
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